I speak to life to you, your enemies shall fall when they rise against you!
Bless those who challenge us to grow, to stretch, to move beyond the knowable, to come back home to our essential nature. Bless those who challenge us for they remind us of the doors we have closed and doors we have yet to open.
Dear Lord, I thank You for the Grace of being alive this morning; I thank You for the sleep that has refreshed me; I thank You for the chance to make a new beginning.
We are lepers. Even if we hide our sores under the finest clothes, and lie to each other, to convince ourselves that we are healthy and happy... Forgetting the only real reason we should be happy: that God loves us, despite the sores we hide. God loves us so much that He became one of us, and was nailed naked to the cross, showing His sores to the world.
Healing begins when we STOP our frantic efforts to keep up with others. Healing begins when we are able to face our worst pictures of ourselves and still believe that we are worth something.
@ Assemblies of God Church, No. 11 Archdeacon Dennis Street, Ikenegbu Owerri,
For more information call 08034095171 or 08138477608
Holding on the 31st day of May 2017, Time: 7:30pm