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Showing posts from 2019

Preye Odede lightening up the Stage @ Send Down Thy Glory 2019

Friday 13 December 2019 loading

Rev. B talking about Send Down Thy Glory With Amb. O. O.

SDTG 2019 loading

SDTG 2019 With Rev. B

Send Down Thy Glory 2019

The Storm is Over in October.

October 2019 Crossover Night @Assemblies of God Church, Ikenegbu Owerri.

Come to Jesus Today

Young lady healed of Insanity

October 2019 Kingdom Englargement & Music Festival

Documentary of Send Down Thy Glory

A dead man came back to Life.

Solution Week & June 2019 Crossover Night

April Crossover Night with Rev. B

April 2019 Jingle

April 2019 Crossover Night

Bethel Nwanebu God; Way-Maker is here again in April 2019 Crossover Night @ Assemblies of God, #11 Archdeacon Dennis Street, Ikenegbu, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. on 30th April, 2019 by 8pm. Also Celebrating God's servant Birthday (Rev. B) same night. Be there!

April 2019 Crossover Night

God; Way-Maker is here again in April 2019 Crossover Night @ Assemblies of God, #11 Archdeacon Dennis Street, Ikenegbu, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. on 30th April, 2019 by 8pm. Also Celebrating God's servant Birthday (Rev. B) same night. Be there! AGC Ikenegbu , Bethel Nwanebu

April 2019 Crossover Night

God; Way-Maker is here again in April 2019 Crossover Night @ Assemblies of God, #11 Archdeacon Dennis Street, Ikenegbu, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. on 30th April, 2019 by 8pm. Also Celebrating God's servant Birthday (Rev. B) same night. Be there! AGC Ikenegbu , Bethel Nwanebu

March 2019 Crossover Night

The life you want is a manifestation of self-realization. When you have done your part it's time to release your work into the universe and let it do its part.  One day enough work will have been done. Enough prayers will have been said. Enough confidence will have been formed. One day with effortless certainty your dreams will manifest into physical form; proving dreams really can come true.   Everything you perceive, externally, is the manifestation of some internal part of you. If it was not, it would not be present in your perceived reality.      

Operation Revolt Against The Status Quo With Rev B.

Operation Revoke Against The Status Quo

What you need to know

Think about others

God is love, love others as you love yourself. (Rev. B visit Owerri Prison office)

Lead me to Christ

Come to God

Testimonies @ Assemblies of God Church Ikenegbu

Crossover to Recover

It's January 2019 Crossover over night coming up on Thursday the 31st January, 2019 @ Assemblies of God Church, #11 Archdeacon Dennis Street, Ikenegbu, owerri, Imo State, by 8pm till dawn. Titled: Operation Recover All. with Rev. Dr. Bethel Nwanebu. Subscribe to our youtube channel @ Bethel Nwanebu  JANUARY 2019 CROSSOVER NIGHT OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH, IKENEGBU (FRIENDSHIP ASSEMBLY)

Janaury 2019 Crossover Night

It is time to take over your possessions. Now, Pursue, Overtake and Recover all of your loses this 2019 in Jesus name... Amen. Don't miss this January 2019 Crossover night, for i will give you the tips of recovering everything you lost in 2018 to 2019. God bless you. Subscribe to our Youtube channel, for more prophetic dew messages @ BethelNwanebu , visit our website on for more information.

Janaury 2019 Crossover Night

It is time to take over your possessions. Now, Pursue, Overtake and Recover all of your loses this 2019 in Jesus name... Amen. Don't miss this January 2019 Crossover night, for i will give you the tips of recovering everything you lost in 2018 to 2019. God bless you. Subscribe to our Youtube channel, for more prophetic dew messages @ BethelNwanebu , visit our website on for more information. Follow us on Facebook @ Bethel Nwanebu

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